A new apartment in Wedding is searching for its inhabitants! ATTENTION: empty apartment!

Anzeigennummer: 8943778


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 5er WG
  • 5er WG
  • Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Spanisch Spanisch, Französisch Französisch, Italienisch Italienisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


4. OG


Ahoi WG-Surfers!

This announcement will maybe be a bit peculiar, but peculiar and very abrupt is indeed the situation in which we find ourself.
After a long and desperate search we suddenly collected a small private victory against the Berliner Wohnungsmarkt. It is only a private one (DWE! DWE! Go Referendum Go!) but it revolutionised our world.
We -long time flatmates, working in movies, Berliners since 13 years and since forever- have found an apartment on the Seestraße, 4th floor, with balcony and a lot of light.

The apartment is empty and screams for some care and also a new coat of paint and at a certain moment, new floors and a new kitchen and and and... all of these renovation works will happen bit by bit starting from December and we'll need the apartment to be empty by then but for now we'd like to fill it with life and people!

3 rooms would be available - drumroll-
1 room 13 square meter: 300€ from October 3rd till December 3rd (might be for a bit longer as well)
1 room 24 square meter with balcony: 400€ from October 3rd till December 3rd (might be for a bit longer as well)
1 room 24 square meter NO balcony: 400€ from October 3rd till December 3rd (might be for a bit longer as well)

Internet will be hopefully working in the first October week. A basic equipment for bathroom and kitchen will be brought there bit by bit.
We can help you get a hold of a good mattress or a table or some basic furniture in case you are traveling light and want to appear at our door only with your backpack.

Since we'll get the keys to the apartment only from October 3rd, it is not possible to visit it beforehand. But it's possible to get to know us in person and we can send you pictures of the house, if you are interested.

Write us a line about you and tell us if you could imagine enjoying/surviving a few days/weeks of spartan living.

the new kids on the block

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