1 Bedroom in a 2 Bedroom Apartment from June 1st - September 31st possibility of Extension

Anzeigennummer: 9350763


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 2er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 65m²
  • 2er WG
  • keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG, Vegetarisch/Vegan, Internationals welcome, inklusive WG, WG-Neugründung
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

2. OG


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Hi My name is Chika (25) Computer Science undergrad. There’s a saying “you are what you eat “so I’ll start from here :) I am vegetarian & slowly transitioning to a full time plant based diet.. I am friendly in my good days and also sometimes in my bad days too.
The room for rent is completely unfurnished and the kitchen is undergoing some major work so it maybe unavailable for the first two weeks.
The apartment is on the minimalist side because pf various reasons (💰 💰 💰 💰) but hopefully in the next months to come it will look livelier..
There’s no smoking in the apartment..
We should have a big cleaning & tidying schedule preferably every weekend and for the non existing kitchen when it does arrive it should be kept presentable by both of us for both of us :) to be able to cook in it.
Friends are welcome 🙏🏽 as long as during weekdays its not rowdy. there’s a lake 100m away so it’s good to be out there.
Weekends are great for parties and all but maybe it should be minimal in the flat (the building has families in it ) and also just because my room will be next to the common room.

its open for viewing on Saturday 10am - 2pm. Sadly it’s going to rain then but yea you get to see the place on a rainy day..

Write a short description for me Thank youuu

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