Lagre bright furnished room

Anzeigennummer: 8012263


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • 3er WG
  • Zweck-WG, Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Spanisch Spanisch

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  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt


möbliert, teilmöbliert

Badewanne, Dusche

DSL, Flatrate, WLAN 50-100 Mbit/s

Parkett, Fliesen


3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Fahrradkeller


I am offering a nice bright room in a really clean apartment that is fully furnished starting from June 1st. The apartment is fully outfitted with everything you need and is located in Treptow (7 minutes on foot from the sbahn and 2 minutes from a bus and night bus).

I am looking for a new roommate for the apartment. I am John am an american (35) that has been living in Berlin for a while now am renting it but not living there. I have studied here at the Berlin School of Economics and Law and am now working in Management in the IT industry, the other roommate is a South American guy from Venezuela (26) that lived in the UK studying Economics and working in the a university on Economics projects and a guy from Georgia (24) he live all over the place and is working in law at Bombadier.

We speak English, Spanish, and German and are looking for someone to rent short or long term.

The apartment is really clean and very new and with mostly 2 year old furniture. The room is a furnished, bright, with a big bed, and there is an extra bed for friends visiting chilling and crashing. The kitchen and bathroom are fully outfitted and well organized. We have all the kitchen utensils, pots, pans, wash machiene everything you will need here.

It is very close to S-bahn Plänterwald, about 20 minutes away from Alexanderplz. And close to the night bus N65 to Schlesisches Tor.

Registration (Anmeldung) possible. Price including all utilities and GEZ/tv-tax.

There is a shared fridge with separated spaces and sometimes the roommates go shopping together, cook together and eat together. Everything is nicely and clearly separated for each resident I’m the bathroom and kitchen. We sometimes go out together, but its not a prerequisite.

If you want to meet me and see the room contact us.

No Smokers, no pets please.


Wir suchen eine Mitbewohner/in. Das Zimmer ist gemütlich und möbeliert. Die Wohnung ist sehr sauber und ist in die nächer von S Plänterwald (8 Minuten zu Fuß).

Die wohnung ist sehr sauber und alles neu Möbeliert.

Zu mich, ich John (35) habe hier an der HWR studiert, arbeite jetzt in Management, und 2 anderen internationalen Mitbewohnern. Wir halten alle die Wohnung sehr sauber.

Anmeldung möglich.

Kein Rauchen, keine Tiere bitte.

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