Easygoing (23) Thai/Swedish Intern looking for a Shared Flat!

Ich suche derzeit keine neue WG oder Wohnung

Zeitraum: n.a.
WG-Arten: n.a.
WG-Details: n.a.
Stadtteile: n.a.
Haustyp: egal
Einrichtung: n.a.
Sonstiges: n.a.

Weitere Angaben über mich

Hej Hej!

I'm Maria (23), having grown up in Vietnam and Thailand, I moved to the Netherlands to pursue my bachelors degree, and now currently living in Sweden for my Masters. In July I will be moving to Germany (Dusseldorf) for a 6 month internship. Therefore, I'm looking for a shared flat for the period of 01/July/2015- 01/Jan/2016 (somewhat flexible end-date). I would prefer to live in these areas: Carlstadt, Unterbilk, Stadtmitte, Friedrichstadt, Altstadt or Bilk.

With my background in the music and fashion industry, having studied International business and now Marketing, and moving around quite a bit, I love meeting new people and am always open for new experiences! I'm a very easy going, tidy and clean roomate as I've lived in shared flats, as well as alone. I would love spending time with roommates but also respect alone time as I find that very important.

I'm looking forward to really engulfing myself into the German culture, get to know all the ins and outs of the Dusseldorf lifestyle, and would love to share this with a roommate or two (or more! the more the merrier). I'm excited to be in Germany and experience all the amazing beers and pretzen! I love food, cooking, creating, and eating, and can safely say that this takes up most of the time in my waking life.

If I seem like someone you would like to get to know more, and have an offer matching my description, please send me a mail and I look forward to it!

Kind regards,
Maria Ehren


Ich koche: n.a.
Rauchen: n.a.
Ich bringe mit: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Musik: n.a.
Freizeit: n.a.

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