PhD student in Physics at the MPQ. Searching for a Long Term House near TUM Garching starting in September.

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Weitere Angaben über mich

Hallo zusammen!

Mein Name ist Albert Gasull und ich komme aus Barcelona. Ich habe Physik in Barcelona studiert und dann einen Master an der ETH Zürich gemacht. Meine Muttersprache ist Katalanisch, aber ich spreche auch Spanisch, Englisch und ein bisschen Deutsch. Ich komme nach Garching für mein Doktorarbeit am Max Planck Institut für Quantenoptik, ab dem 1. Oktober 2019. Ich lerne Deutsch seit 2 jahren, aber ich fühle, dass mein Deustch nicht so gut ist. Deshalb mache ich auf Englisch weiter.

My interest in Physics falls into the realm of Theoretical Physics, mainly Quantum Field theories, Quantum information, Mathematical Physics and Condensed Matter Physics. The PhD will last for about 4 years, and it is fully funded by the Institute. But enough talk about who am I professionally, let me introduce you to who am I!
I am a very passionate person about my hobbies, relations and almost everything I put my time into. This last two years in Zürich I lived in a student residence with 11 other students with whom interaction was minimal due to the fact that the only shared space was the kitchen. That is not definitely the place I wish to live in, as I value a home as much more than a place to go to sleep to. I wish to get to know my flatmates, and if everything goes along, be able to call them friends as time goes on.

Nature plays a big role in my life. The thing I cherish the most about where I lived in Zürich is its proximity to the forest, which has been acting as my therapy for stress during the last years. While I was in Barcelona, I was a mountain instructor for kids, as a part of a Young People Mountaineering Organization. In it we would take the kids to the Mountains weekly and teach them how to prepare a route, the necessary equipment and all that they could need for when they would want to go to the mountains alone later on. We also educate them to respect Nature, and to enjoy it in the least destructive way possible. This is, without a doubt, what I missed the most while in Zürich. Hiking, biking, swimming and, not to the same extent, climbing are all sports I am comfortable with. In a nutshell, I enjoy all sports that are related somewhat to the mountains and Nature!

Another big passion of mine if music. I play the trumpet, and a little bit of trombone, and I have recorded 2 albums with different bands during my bachelor studies. However, I do not play them nearly as much since I am abroad. My musical taste ranges from Classical Music up to Death and Black Metal. In summary, if it sounds on the radio, is probably not my thing, although I am always open to be surprised! I am a very tidy person, who both enjoys the warmth of company and the peace of solitude. I value as much being in a lively environment as well as having my own space of tranquillity. Amongst my preferred activities at home are cooking, reading and gaming, both casually and competitively. I always enjoy getting carried away by good stories, no matter how they are told.

If you think I could be a match for your flat, please don’t hesitate to contact me, as I am always open for a Skype call to get to know each other better. Ideally I would like to arrive to Garching around the middle of September.

Kind regards,



Ich koche: n.a.
Rauchen: n.a.
Ich bringe mit: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Musik: n.a.
Freizeit: n.a.

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