room in shared flat in beautiful house with big garden

Anzeigennummer: 10830731


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 3er WG
  • Wohnungsgröße: 80m²
  • 3er WG
  • Studenten-WG, Berufstätigen-WG, keine Zweck-WG, gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Englisch Englisch

Gesucht wird:

  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

1. OG




Laminat, Fliesen


gute Parkmöglichkeiten

4 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Garten, Gartenmitbenutzung, Keller





Hello dear people!
Do you also dream of living in your own house with a garden? Then read on, because the new community house project in Magdeburg is still looking for an interim tenant!
We are currently a group of 14 adults and two children who collectively own and live in a house in Magdeburg. We are united by the common (and now fulfilled! 😄) dream of living together in solidarity & community.
We are all people with different life experiences, some of us work full-time/part-time or are unemployed, some of us are queer, in partnerships or not, take care of children, grow vegetables and/or otherwise pass their time, are politically active, have lived in Magdeburg for different lengths of time and so on and so forth.... So there is a lot to discover with our group ;-)

We agree among ourselves on a solidary distribution of rent and food costs. Decisions are made on an equal footing and possible hierarchies between us should be reduced as much as possible.
We adapt our living space according to our individual needs - after all, this is our house ;)
Our most important goal is to take the living space permanently off the market, so that it does not become an object of speculation.
More information about our house project:

The house has a total of about 640 m² of living space and a gorgeous garden of about 3,000 m². It is listed (built in 1890!) and is therefore full of great rooms, high ceilings, old beautiful doors, well insulated walls and much to admire.
We are still looking for a interim tenant for a three-room apartment of 80 m², which you will share with two likeable people, Akshat and Gowtham.
Since the apartment is currently occupied elsewhere, there are only exemplary pictures. We are still renovating the rooms before subletting
The basement rooms and the huge garden are also collectively used and designed. So far it is planned that vegetables will be grown, an outdoor kitchen will be developed, a yurt (large weatherproof tent) will be erected and there will be a lot of design possibilities.
We have a cat living with us. Due to the size of the garden, the animals can be quite well out of the way.

Jetzt beantragen und für die Besichtigung top vorbereitet sein
einmalig 29,95 € inkl. MwSt.
in 3 Minuten verfügbar
1 Werbeanzeigen 
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