Bright room in a 4-room apartment with a common area

Anzeigennummer: 11020917


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Die WG:

  • Zimmer in 4er WG
  • 4er WG
  • gemischte WG
  • Sprache/n: Deutsch Deutsch, Englisch Englisch, Bosnisch Bosnisch, Italienisch Italienisch, Schwedisch Schwedisch

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  • Dieses Zimmer ist momentan vermietet

Angaben zum Objekt

sanierter Altbau

1. OG



DSL 50-100 Mbit/s

Laminat, PVC, Fliesen


gute Parkmöglichkeiten

3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt

Waschmaschine, Spülmaschine, Keller, Fahrradkeller



Hi, this is Amina, Francesco and Frederika.
We are looking for a new roommate and would prefer a male to keep it balanced.
I am Amina, I study MSc Plant Science at LMU and I come from Bosnia and Herzegovina. In my free time I play volleyball in the English Garden with my friends and read. I work at the Botanical Garden and occasionally smuggle plants home ;).
Francesco is finishing his master's in Aerospace engineering at TUM and he is from Padova, Italy. He enjoys hiking and in the evening we enjoy watching sitcoms to unwind. We just finished How I met your mother which is Francescos favourite.
Frederika is from Stockholm, Sweden and is a data analyst and just moved recently with us and enjoys road biking in her free time. She is also a marvelous cook and her specialty are fluffy cakes.
We would like someone who occasionally enjoys spending time with us, we are not just an apartment share, but we value our privacy. The apartment is well equipped so it is easy to keep it clean and we have a cleaning schedule. We do not mind occasional parties at the apartment, but we like to keep the apartment quiet most of the time so that everyone feels comfortable and can have a place to unwind and recharge after a long day.
About the room:
The best thing about this apartment is that every room has big windows so there is a lot of light. The previous roommate would like you to overtake the sideboard, the closet and the curtains. You would negotiate the price with him.
If you are interested, message us with something about yourself.
We will contact you for a zoom interview and then open house within a couple of days.
Looking forward to meeting you!

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